Embark on a journey to grow your business with our affordable monthly investment. Now is the perfect time to elevate your success and expand your business reach.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your top three success strategies for finding new clients, along with the annual cost and average monthly budget for these marketing approaches. Our primary objective is to guide you in utilizing your new software account to implement effective referral marketing within your sphere of influence. This strategic approach aims to connect you with qualified prospective clients who are ready for conversion.

Understanding your current investment in acquiring a closed client, your net revenue after marketing expenses, and achieving a 3:1 ROI is vital for providing tailored insights. Specifically identifying contacts within your sphere of influence is a crucial step in optimizing your business growth strategy. For new customers without active referrals, quality leads, and sales opportunities, addressing these areas could be pivotal in overcoming obstacles to closing and revenue goals.

Lastly, a significant performance indicator we focus on is the number of new appointments resulting from your prospecting efforts in the last month. Meeting with enough new clients monthly is essential for achieving both your sold clients and revenue objectives.

My Business

Contact Information:

Please provide the information again so that your business details can be added to your business profile."

Success Strategies Scorecard

It would be beneficial for us to understand your strategies for success and the outcomes you've achieved.


Calculate: Total Marketing Cost for the Year (divided) # of Closed Last 12 Months = Average Cost to Acquire a Closed Client


Calculate: Net Revenue (divided) Total Marketing Costs for the Year = 3:1 ROI

Book of Business (Sphere of Influence)

The worth of a sales professional's business is significantly influenced by the strength of their sphere of influence

Tracking Monthly Appointments

Tracking appointments and their outcomes is a critical key performance indicator for a sales professional.

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Want our help to nurture your sphere of influence to Run a Profitable, Meaningful Business?

Our ideal customer is someone that enjoys communicating with their book-of-business, and wants to use technology to attract, nurture, and close more client to increase their revenue.

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